v0.27.4: Release Notes

Artipie was represented in DevOops conference on October 19 in Saint-Petersburg. Our current team-leader Denis Garus told how to use Artipie with Maven and Docker repositories. Find the workshop announce here.

v0.27.4 was released on October 27. The last and current months we are working on Artipie monitoring and metrics. The goal is to provide easy to use and understand system, which will allow us to know what is happening in the Artipie, how fast the artifacts can be uploaded and downloaded, catch and fix any problems right on time. The first steps in this direction were made some time ago, and we already have some measurement instruments. To enable all currently available metrics, add the following section into main configuration yaml:

      type: log # Metrics type, `log` to print statistics into application log
      interval: 5 # Publishing interval in seconds, default value is 5
      type: asto # Metrics type, `asto` to publish statistics into storage
      interval: 5 # Publishing interval in seconds, default value is 5
      storage: # Storage to publish the metrics to
        type: fs
        path: /tmp/artipie/statistict
      type: prometheus # Obtain metrics in `promethium` compatible format
      type: vertx # Metrics type, `vertx` for Vert.x embedded metrics
      endpoint: "/metrics/vertx" # Path of the endpoint, starting with `/`, where the metrics will be served
      port: 8087 # Port to serve the metrics

To learn more about each metrics type, check our Wiki.